A subscription service that provides you with weekly resources to aid you on the journey towards Eating Disorder recovery.

Write your awesome label here.
Let me join you on your journey
As a Counsellor / Therapist it is an honour to join people on their ED recovery journey.
In fact, I would love to work with every individual person who reaches out seeking support - but that just isn't possible.
The ED Recovery Companion does however, give me the opportunity to share some of my knowledge and support with you via weekly videos. Let me journey with you a little.
In fact, I would love to work with every individual person who reaches out seeking support - but that just isn't possible.
The ED Recovery Companion does however, give me the opportunity to share some of my knowledge and support with you via weekly videos. Let me journey with you a little.
Receive new resources every 7 days
Stay subscribed and receive up to an ENTIRE YEAR of resources a week at a time. Each week is a new step towards a life free from your Eating Disorder.
Like a self-help book... but better
With educational material, therapy worksheets, journal prompts, coping tools and videos from Kel.
No referral criteria, no waiting list, START TODAY
You can access The Eating Disorder Recovery Companion immediately, with no referral criteria, and zero waiting lists.
Just £15 a month
For less than the price of one of those fancy take out coffees, each week, YOU can access resources that support you to take charge of your
Eating Disorder recovery!
"I can't believe the amount of content covered in just one month for £15. It is absolutely worth that money. "
- CA
"I am more hopeful - about everything. Thank you"
- TM
Designed & available for every body
Whatever your weight, length of illness or type of Eating Disorder you deserve access to resources to ensure you achieve recovery.
Every 'step' has been approved by others with lived experience of an ED. Designed to empower you, give you hope, and encourage you to take action. Recovery is possible and you can make it happen!
Access to resources at your finger tips *click*
Via an easy to use portal you have access to your resources any time of the day or night. Log in and take charge of your recovery journey.
Created with you in mind
Keeps you engaged
The ED Recovery Companion is designed with varied content - information, worksheets, videos and more, to keep you engaged.
With 'dripped' content
New material is made available to you every 7 days; to aid you in continuing to put one foot in front of the other.
Are you ready to start your journey?
Frequently asked questions
FAQ 1: Who is The ED Recovery Companion created for?
FAQ 1: The ED Recovery Companion was created as a way of providing resources for people with a suspected or diagnosed ED, who are stuck on a waiting list for specialist help and/or therapy. However, you might also find the resources helpful if you have an ED but are struggling to get a referal - for example if you do not meet referal criteria. OR if you are currently accessing treatment of therapy but feel some additional resources would be useful for you.
Please note: Certain medical conditions can mimic or cause ED type behaviours. It is therefore recommended that you seek a medical assesment if you suspect an ED but have not yet been diagnosed.
Please note: Certain medical conditions can mimic or cause ED type behaviours. It is therefore recommended that you seek a medical assesment if you suspect an ED but have not yet been diagnosed.
FAQ 2: How do I access the resources you are providing?
FAQ 2: Once you have subscribed you will be able to log in to The ED Recovery Companion portal and find the first installment of resources. From here you can read, watch and in some instances download the available material. Check back every 7 days for new resources. Available 24/7 for as long as you stay subscribed.
FAQ 3: How does the subscription system work?
FAQ 3: For every month you stay subscribed you'll receive access to new resources every 7 days - up to an entire year. If you choose to stay subscribed after 1 year, you'll continue to have access to all the steps in the programme and be free to revisit resources or use any you have yet to.
FAQ 4: Am I signing up for an entire year?
FAQ 4: You can stay subscribed to The ED Recovery Companion for as long as it is helpful for you to do so. Whether you journey with me for just 1 month, 4 months, or the entire year is completly up to you. You can cancel at any time.
FAQ 5: What if I want to cancel my subscription?
FAQ 5: You can log in to your account and cancel your subscription at any time. After you cancel your subscription, you will continue to have access to the material you have paid for untill the end of that billing cycle.
FAQ 6: Is this service a replacement for therapy or other treatment?
FAQ 6: No. This provision is not intended as a replacement for personalised therapy or treatment. However, it can fill a gap if you are stuck on a waiting list, struggling to get a referral, or would benefit from additional resources on your journey. Please ensure that you discuss with your GP any medical needs you have.... I know we professionals always say that, but seriously, your health is important.
FAQ 7: What equipment do I need?
FAQ 7: You need either a computer, laptop, or tablet, along with speakers or headphones. Plus internet access. I'd also recommend having a printer so that you can actually print out the worksheets and fill them in. Alternatively, if you don't have a printer you might use a PDF editor instead.
FAQ 8: Do I need to be available at certain days or times?
FAQ 8: Nope. The videos included as part of your subscription are pre-recorded. They, along with the other resources, simply appear in the portal every 7 days. You can watch them whenever you want, you can play them as many times as you need and you can even go back and rewatch previous weeks' videos if you like.
Start your journey NOW
Kel O'Neill
MBACP (Accred) and FISPC Counsellor / Therapist
I have created 'The Eating Disorder Recovery Companion' for those who are currently on waiting lists, or unable to access, specific support for their Eating Disorder but want to get started on their recovery journey.
I've brought together more than 15 years of my own experience with the input of Experts By Experience, who were consulted at every step to ensure that this service is the best it can be.
I've brought together more than 15 years of my own experience with the input of Experts By Experience, who were consulted at every step to ensure that this service is the best it can be.